Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lessons Of A Street Urchin

It is often that we turn to famous people who have achieved great success, as sources of inspiration. But it is less common to draw inspiration from everyday instances and ordinary people. I once chanced upon having a conversation with a street urchin who stays in my locality. Unkempt, torn-clothed and soiled; his name is Raju.

Maybe it was the fag I bought him which got him talking, or the cool breeze under the tree which touched our faces, that evening. The things he talked about were novel, things quite different from conventional small-talk. These are the things I learnt:

1. Everyone's selfish: "Every action is for yourself. Even charity and 'mamta'(motherhood) are selfish acts", he says. Right from the time we are born, to the time we die, we are on our own. True, we have family, we have friends, we have loved ones. But it is all to drive off our loneliness. Though charity is with an intent to help the needy, you are the one who is in need. To be at peace within, to forget your sins, to make you feel like a better person. Bottomline; stop relying on others. To solve your problems. To give you happiness. To give you attention. To give you respect. Be a self-made person. "Swawalambhan (self-dependancy), is the key" he states. (a little ironic for a beggar to mention, I must say)

2. Even whores demand respect: "Food, clothing, and shelter are essential. But something more essential than those, is respect. Even whores demand respect", he proclaims. A person who demands respect, has to first learn to give respect. Every being demands compassion. No one is perfect, so one cannot judge anyone on their work or actions. Give respect, no matter who the person is. It can speak volumes about the person that you are inside. It'll make you a respectable person.

3. Begging was once a respectable profession: "In the old days, beggars were respectable people. They were people who would go door-to-door spreading words of wisdom. People would give them 'bheeksha'(charity) in return. But see what we have been reduced to! They all crave for wealth! No one wants wisdom!" he exclaims.

4. Never regret anything: "I don't regret this life. Regret is no good. It cannot change your past. No need to regret anything that has happened in your life" he says, taking a hard drag of the tobacco. Regret does not change the situation, and blaming or whining doesn't help. Instead, ask yourself what you can do now. How you can avoid making the same mistakes again. How you can take care of situations. Accept your mistakes, promise not to repeat them, and move on.

5. Don't let the outside world affect you: "People will always have something to say. Don't let them dictate your life. Only you should decide what you want" he emphasizes. This does not go on to say that you do not care about others. Be concerned about what goes on around you. But don't let it affect your inner peace. Never let people or situations change the person that you are. For outside world is but a reflection of your inner beauty.

6. Make the best of what you have: "I cannot sit and complain about my situation. I have to do what it takes to survive. I am making the best of my situation. I am happy" he smiles. We are all unique in our own way. Comparing ourselves with others will only harm ourselves. We all have problems of our own. Its important to cut our way through. Make the best of what you have, and things will surely work your way. Worry never solved a problem.

7. Dogs are humans, humans are dogs: "All humans have become dogs. We live a dog's life. We are all the pets of our desires. Only dogs have a bit of humanity left" he says. Though cynical, it remains true to much extent. We have all become slaves. To wealth, lifestyle, and false pride. We must start looking beyond tangible benefits. Life's quality must not be quantified. Appreciate the finer things in life.

8. Happiness is free: A good payscale, a fast car, ar a loved one. What makes you happy? Material things make you happy, because you associate them with happiness. Happiness is but a feeling. It truly lies within. If you need reasons to be happy, that happiness is parasitic. Be happy for no reason. True happiness is free of cost.

9. First act, then pray: "I see many people coming to temples, to pray for their success. They also give us some money to pray for them. But they don't want to work hard. Whats the use?" he asks concerned. Truly said, actions are primary. Concentrate on your tasks first. Do what is needed to achieve the required success. Then you deserve to pray to God. For God helps those who help themselves.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Stay Angry, Stay Happy

The title sounds a bit of a paradox. Don't worry. You read it right. If you wanna be happy, you gotta be angry first. Confused? Sure you are! Most of the writings out there tell you how happiness lies in letting go of anger and hatred, adopting peace and harmony, and spreading the word of love. You've always heard of hatred and anger being vices, being the tools of the devil himself. Of how we can make the world a better place by simply being tolerant, having good associations with people no matter what, and using positive visualisations to transform your thinking, and hence transform your life. Love has often been talked of as powerful force within us, which can suppress all the negativity within, and enhance the quality of life to a much higher level.

So why this message of anger and hatred? What might possibly be the role of anger in one's happiness? Well, first of all, there is no denying the role that love and positivity can play in one's happiness and well-being. Love is no doubt the most beautiful forces of life, which can be inculcated and harnessed, to achieve great things. I, myself, am all for love. But the main problem lies, in the fact that, its not always, that all of us are successful in follwing the path of love. It sure is easy to love, but is it easy to love all the time? We are not saints, for it is but human to err. At times we do get angry and it is a part of human nature. So in the name of of love, do we just ignore all that anger?

There are moments in your everyday life, when you do get angry. Everything around you is pissing you off, one time or the other. Its inevitable. Not everything can be perfect. Not everyone can be perfect. People usually have two choices; one, they let out their frustration and anger on other people around them. This can be a destroying attitude, for it can lead to problems at home, at the workplace, with your friends, and you might turn into a loner or some damn psycho. The second is that you let that anger out of your body, either by calming down and using anger management techniques, or through meditation. This would require you to spend some time learning those techniques, and practice them regularly, so that you may master them, and hence master your thoughts and your mind. Needless to say, thats a lot of hard work, and the lazy bums that technology and lifestyle has made us, not everyone's gonna put in that much of effort.

There is another way out. When it comes to anger, be the selfish pig who always uses things and situations, to work his way out. Use the anger. Preserve that anger. Be a little pissed-off. Let the anger drive you ahead in life, motivate you. It takes a lot of energy to be angry in the first place. You are not gonna waste it, are you? Why not save all those little bits of hatred, and focus those elsewhere? Bruce Lee did that, when he was beaten up at the age of 16 by local hoodlums. He didn't swear revenge, or take an oath to destroy the world. He channelized his anger to learn martial arts. And look what that made him into. Thats also what Gandhi did in South Africa, and later in India. I'm sure he was pissed inside with all the apartheid and injustice. He didn't use violence to release all that pent-up anger. He chose the peaceful assertive way out. Sure, he had his demands met, and all the time, it was this anger that drove him to his purpose of a free nation.

So what do we learn folks? Being angry is good. It can help you achieve great tasks. You just need to learn not to waste it away in meaningless bickering and fighting. Instead, channelize that pissed-off attitude into something construcive. Something good for yourself. Something that can improve lives of you and the people around you. Do the good thing, the bad way. Coz bad is the new good. It'll increase your satisfaction levels. It'll make you smile in adversity. It'll make you laugh when you are angry.

So find reasons to be a little pissed-off on everything that is wrong. You are not alone. We're all a little fucked up inside. The more you are screwed, the more are your chances to unleash your potential and achieve greatness. So what's wrong? Your boyfriend left you for that hot supermodel? Well screw him! The asshole didn't deserve you anyways. Its time to do the things you always wanted to do, but never got the time coz you were busy hanging out with him. What else? A drunk guy just puked on your brand new shoes? Perfect! Go ahead and work a little harder to complete that project before deadline. You are gonna buy a new pair off the bonus. Who's next? You don't like all that garbage being dumped near your building? Call a society meeting to take a firm action on this issue. Take the initiative, and be prepared to go all the way. And why are you so fucked up? Your father beat you up when you were a child? Shit happens! Remind yourself about that, anytime that you are doing something wrong, or even if you are feeeling outright lazy. The key is, to stay pissed off. To stay angry. In the long run, what you make out of it is gonna make you happy. You dont need a therapist. Or a psychologist.  Or a self-help book to "heal your spirit". You just need to know how to work things your way. Stay strong. Stay angry. And stay happy.

Friday, May 25, 2012

First Post

I am YusufAcharya. The 'Enlightened' One. Seeing things through spiritual eyes is my purpose of life. 'Philosophy' and 'Self Help' are my favourite library sections. I see lots of inspiring stuff out there. Lots of 'Motivation' is being marketed today.
But how much can you actually connect to? How much advice can you actually follow? Personally, I read these books or articles and do make an attempt. But we are not saints, are we? And we are fucking lazy people. Its a real phenomenon, thanks to technology. The human race is gradually going dumb. We cant take this philosophical shit any longer. No, we dont have the patience to join meditation classes, nor do we wanna spend bucks on ''self-help'' gurus. Thats one load of crap right there.
Im here to break it down for you. My words will be harsh. But they'll be to the point. No goody-goody stuff. Just what you need. So if you can tolerate those rants, and keep up with the swear-words, do go ahead and read the stuff that I post. If you like it and relate to it, use it for your good. If you don't like it, well, I don't give a shit. Neither should you.